Sunday, August 9, 2009


This was my first trip camping and I had so much fun!!! We went with some great family friends. Here I am ready for the LONG ride. I got a yummy donut and just ate all the yumminess off the top!

These were my two best buddies on the camping trip - Gabbie and Izabel. Gabbie was really good at helping me smile for the pictures...

It is tradition at these campouts to catch bull frogs - here was one of them. I actually touched it - didn't like it very much - but I was very interested in watching them!

We got to go to the sand dunes - it was so cool. I loved all the sand. Mommy thinks I liked it so much because I didn't have to hike up the huge dune - Mommy and Daddy did all the work...

Me and my Daddy (He has a bunch of sunflower seeds in his mouth - that's why his smile is so silly)...
Swimming in the lake with Gabbie...

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