Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flower Girl

My Aunt Heather got married and I got to be a flower girl in her wedding along with 4 of my cousins. Mommy said I did a very good job - especially since I didn't get much sleep and the wedding was right in the middle of my naptime! Here are some pictures from the wedding:

I loved my "pitty" dress! ;)

I had a fun time picking the flowers off of my mommy's bouquet!

Me and all my cousins with Auntie Heather! We all even walked up the aisle without making a fuss!

This was my favorite part of the cake - I ate the flowers off the top - Yummy! Auntie Sarai did a wonderful job on the cake!

Daddy got to chase me all over the place - here he is bringing be back - AGAIN. :)

When Auntie Heather and Uncle Michael left, everyone threw this wedding rice at them. Well, it was just sitting on the walkway, so I thought I would pick it out of the cracks and eat it - it tasted like sugar! I was quite content just sitting here eating it.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Daddy is so awesome!!!

photo by Anita Opazophoto by Anita Opazo

photo by Anita Opazo

photo by Anita Opazo

Daddy is so cool!!!


Mommy couldn't resist taking a couple of sleeping pictures. She thought I was so cute snuggled up with my babies!

Whew - check out my wild hair!!!

Fun Times in the Sun

I got to play in the sprinkler at Grammie's house - the water was a little too cold for me...

I got "dirties" on my feet and I hate "dirties" on my feet! I of course had to try to pick them all off before I could play anymore...

Aren't I cute?

Mommy tried my hair in pigtails for the first time - it was quite a success!

I got to have a picnic lunch with Mommy and Daddy on our lawn.

We ate yummy watermelon!!! I love sitting with my daddy!