This is after Mommy started to wash out my mouth... It was a blue marker, so I thought it would taste like blueberries - it didn't. I sucked on it then said, "Yucky, Yucky, Yucky..." Did I learn my lesson? Nope, I did it again the next day. Mommy thinks we are going to take a break from the markers...
I love to help Mommy bring in wood for the fire. I have to get my hat on so my hair doesn't get wet, then I have to have my gloves on because Mommy wears gloves - Mommy thinks it takes a long time to get ready just to bring in a few loads of wood...
Mommy found some playdough at the Dollar Tree, so I got to try it out. It is soooo much fun - Daddy is really good at make playdough stuff - maybe someday I will be as good as he is!
So, I guess I'm not so good at smiling on demand... Mommy just tells me to smile for the camera all the time, so my smiler gets kinda tired and then out come the goofy grins!
We are part of this really cool playgroup and we got to take a walk to the park last week. It was quite the adventure. You can kinda see me - I'm in the double stroller that Mommy is pushing - I'm in the back, behind Addie. :)
I got to play hide and seek at the park - I found the perfect hiding spot (after seeing another kid hide there first, but don't tell!)
I'm a complex individual. I sometimes cry because I'm hungry or because I'm tired. But I often cry for no apparent reason at all. I'm an enigma, and I pride myself on my inscrutability. I smile a lot, but sometimes it's just gas. I want to be a princess when I grow up. Or maybe an astronaut. Or maybe a cowgirl. I haven't decided. Luckily, my dad's a super-genius, and he can teach me just about anything I want to know. He's awesome. My mom's pretty okay too.